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Hnědák, * 22.3.2009, chovatel K.G. Zakariev, Dagestán, Rusko
Linie El-Sovchoz 2 line, rodina Kepderi (Temri)
Tělesné míry: KVH 156cm, OH 175cm, Ohol. 19,0cm (07/2016)
Hodnocení: typ 7,8 - míry 7,0 - exteriér 9,0 - výkonnost 7,0, Elita 3.kategorie (07/2016)
Majitel: Mgr. Markus Hubmann, Rakousko


Darbek se narodil v roce 2009 u K.G. Zakarieva v Dagestánu. V majetku G.Isaeva absolvoval jako 2-3letý úspěšnou dostihovou kariéru v Pjatigorsku. Z 12 startů dvakrát zvítězil, třikrát doběhl druhý, dvakrát třetí a dvakrát čtvrtý.
Na konci roku 2015 ho zakoupil Mag. Markus Hubmann z Rakouska a Darbek přicestoval na naši farmu. Darbek je aktivní, komunikativní hřebec, který se vždy ze sebe snaží vydat to nejlepší.

První tři ročníky hříbat se ukazují velmi slibně - s klisnami různých původů i typů dal Darbek korektní hříbata s dobrým pohybem. Potomstvu dává dlouhou šikmou lopatku, silnou horní linii a záď a korektní končetiny.

Pokud máte zájem o připouštění, kontaktujte, prosím, Darbekova majitele, Mag. Hubmanna na emailu

Dostihová kariéra:

1.místo "Otkrytyi Priz"-1800m, 2012
2.místo "Cena Gundogara-2400m" (tzv. "Malé Derby"), 2012
2.místo "Cena Zakrytia"-3000m, 2012
3.místo "Cena Mazana"-1400m,  2011
4.místo "Sprinterská cena"-1000m, 2012
4.místo "Cena Boinou"-1600m, 2012

Šampión hřebců, vítěz kategorie 5letých a starších hřebců, Chovatelská naděje - Corona Bohemiae Cup 2016
Vítěz soutěže "Hodnocení pohybu" - Corona Bohemiae Cup 2016


Darbekovo potomstvo se zatím nezúčastnilo žádného chovatelského šampionátu (do sportu ještě věkem nedorostlo), ale někteří jeho potomci dostali vysoké hodnocení od ruských inspektorů chovu za typ a exteriér.



Dastan ATT, hřebec, plavák (z Pomona, Piastr)
Yamuna styr-eha, klisna, hnědka (z Yalka, Karador)
Dakhshan styr-eha, hřebec, tm.hnědák (z Antalya, Gorlik)
Durga styr-eha, klisna, plavka (z Djeren-Djan, Mingam)
Darab ATT, hřebec, hnědák (z Jangi, Samurai)

Karma, klisna, hnědka (z Obe, Gelshah)
Pata-Djan ATT, klisna, tm.plavka (z Pomona, Piastr)

Hiwa, klisna, hnědka (z Hagada Shael, Gazyr)

Djantemir styr-eha, hřebec, plavák (z Djeren-Djan, Mingam)
Djangir ATT, hřebec, hnědák (z Jangi, Samurai)

Dadgar ATT, hřebec, hnědák (z Jana-Jan, Mingam)

Dalir ATT, hřebec, hnědák (z Dijanitra, Germes)

Darashah, hřebec, hnědák (z Frygia, Samurai)

Jaiji ATT, klisna, hnědka (z Jangi, Samurai)

Danyal styr-eha, hřebec, tm.hnědák (z Antalya, Gorlik)
Darien ATT, hřebec, hnědák (z Jana-Jan, Samurai)

Dikran ATT, hřebec, palomino (z Omelia, Maksut 2)

O rodokmenu

                                               Darbekův otec 1478 Dartai se                                                         narodil v roce 2003 v hřebčíně

                                               Dagestanskij. Jako 2-3letý se s                                                         úspěchem účastnil dostihů, z 10

                                               startů získal 6 umístění, včetně                                                         vítězství v Ceně Absenta, 2.místě

                                               v Ceně Buďoného či 3.místě v                                                         Ceně Kazachstánu. Za výkonnost

                                               byl ohodnocen 7,5 body. V roce 2006 vybojoval titul Šampióna plemene na Šampionátu Ruska v Pjatigorsku. Dartaiovo potomstvo si vede velmi dobře na dostihové dráze, za všechny zmiňme hřebce Demir-Tau, Darbazan, Darbek či Kyurdamir. 

Dartaiův otec 1184 Desmal se narodil v roce 1995 v hřebčíně Dagestanskij. Navzdory tomu, že sám nestartoval na dráze, proslul jako producent úspěšných dostihových koní, stejně jako koní výrazného typu. Desmal byl široce využíván jak v rodném Dagestánu, tak později na farmě Nemashkalova v jižním Rusku.  

Dartaiova matka 2706 Daria 2 se narodila v roce 1996 v hřebčíně Dagestanskij. Je matkou 4 hříbat, včetně 3417 Dan (1118 Azart), která získala druhé místo v Ceně Gul (ekvivalent Jarní ceny klisen) a třetí místo v Oaks.  

Darbekova matka 3478 Drama, drobná hnědka, se narodila v roce 2001 v hřebčíně Akhalt-Service. Jako chovná klisna byla využívána nejprve v Dagestánu, kde se stala matkou 4 hříbat. Následně byla prodána ruskému majiteli, který její potomstvo neregistruje.


                                                Otcem Dramy je elitní hřebec 1227                                                  Makat (linie Toporbai), narozený na f                                               farmě PKF Moskovskij Ptičij                                                          Rynok (tato farma se později                                                            zformovala v hřebčín Akhalt-                                                          Service). Makat neabsolvoval                                                          dostihovou kariéru, ale prošel tzv.

                                                hodnocení sportovních dispozic se ziskem 7,2 bodů (8,31 bodů pohybové kvality x 6 bodů skok). Ve svém rodném hřebčíně se stal otcem 17 hříbat, vč. plemenného hřebce 1611 Opium a po ukončení činnosti hřebčína byl odprodán do Maďarska. 

Matka Dramy, elitní 2713 Djamna, se narodila v roce 1993 v PKF Moskovskij Ptičij Rynok. Byla klisnou výraznou v typu, pravděpodobně nejlepší dcerou svých rodičů. Djamna, žel, uhynula brzy, je matkou pouhých čtyř hříbat. 


Darbek přísluší k rodině založené klisnou 1252 Kepderi (Lachin).


Plavka Kepderi se narodila v roce 1953 v Turkmenistánu, po otci Ter Kush (linie Toporbai),

z matky 969 Temri (linie Toporbai) and byla produktem blízkého inbreedingu II x II

na hřebce 044 Tillya Kush.  Tato rodina se rozšířila prostřednictvím dcer Kepderi, a to

1488 Djakhan, 1590 Lolla, 1588 Lan a 2350 Leili. Příslušníci této rodiny bývají

všestrannými atlety, v dostizích si úspěšně vedli např. vítěz Derby 1056 Dasht, 2. z Derby

a později v drezuře úspěšný Lakmus, 2. z Derby a ověnčený titulem Šampióna

plemene Djagitai, vítěz Velké letní ceny a 2. z Derby Gek, aj. Ve vytrvalosti byli

úspěšní 100 mílař Gyshgun, dále Durkhal Shael, Darakhshan, Monja, Meshhur aj., ve 

skokových soutěžích Demirkhanum, v klasické drezuře pod taktovkou Anji Beran

se prezentuje Degni Shael, atd. Rodina Kepderi také významně přispěla

do formování mateřského stáda hřebčína Shael (potomstvo klisny Damdja).

Kepderi, 1953 (Terkuš-Temri).jpg

1252 Kepderi, buckskin, was born in 1953 in Turkmenistan (Kalinin kolkhoz), by Ter Kush (Toporbai line), out of 969 Temri (Toporbai line) and was the product of close inbreeding II x II to stallion 044 Tillya Kush. First threefoals out of her were born in Turkmenistan, in 1965 was brought by V.P. Schamborant to Tersk studfarm. Here she became dam of three daughters - 1488 Djakhan (801 Spesivii), 

1590 Lolla (697 Gelishikli) and 1588 Lan (697 Gelishikli). After moving to Dagestan, she foaled two more foals - Lavr (724 Karakir),

who was later sold to Germany and 2350 Leili (Ballar). 

1488 Djakhan (801 Spesivii) was born in 1966 at the studfarm Tersk. As a 2-4 y.o. she raced 26 times (4x1., 8x2., 5x3.). She is dam of 11

foals in total, including three broodmares (1769 Dortbaital, 2250 Damdja, 2724 Dogadka) and one breeding stallion, 987 Djagitai, Champion of the breed 1984, 2nd placed in Big Summer Prize and Derby, third placed in Prize of Absent and Comparison Prize.

     * 1769 Dortbaital, bay, daughter of race record holder at the distance 1600m 883 Kaltaman, was born in 1977 at the studfarm 

        Dagestanskii, from which she moved to newly formed Akhalteke department at the studfarm Stavropol in 1984. She is dam of 11

        foals, including breeding stallion and Derby winner 1056 Dasht (943 Arslan) and broodmares 2732 Duma (999 Munir), 2726 

        Dolina (943 Arslan), 2721 Dilshat (943 Arslan) and 3388 Gulchetai (1099 Serasker).  

        ** 2732 Duma (999 Munir), buckskin, was born in 1987 at the studfarm Stavropol. She races as a 3 y.o. 5 times (1x1., 1x3.) and won          Prize of Karali. She is dam of two foals, including breeding stallion 1183 Dargan (1037 Dargan), winner of Prize of Schamborant,              2nd placed in Summer Prize and Probnyii Prize, 3rd placed in Prize of Boinou. Dargan was later sold to France, while Duma was sold

        in 1994 to Germany.  

        ** 2726 Dolina (943 Arslan), chestnut, was born in 1988 at the studfarm Stavropol. She is dam of 7 foals, including broodmares

        2710 Desse (1099 Serasker), her full sister sold to U.S. Dinastia and breeding stallion 1481 Dendon (984 Dagdan), who produced

        in Germany.  

             *** 2710 Desse (1099 Serasker), palomino, was bred by Stavropol studfarm and bought by Veles studfarm. She raced as a 2-3

             years old, out of 11 starts she won 3x., twice finished 2nd (including Prize of Schamborant) and three times 3rd (including Prize

             of Gul and Prize of Yulduz). She is dam of 10 foals, including breeding stallion 1469 Dagomys (1157 Garabek), who succeeded

             at the racetrack, winning Derby, Prize of Absent, Prize of Otkrytia, 2nd placed in Prize of Nations, Yulduz, Kazakhstan,

             3rd placed in Prize of Everdy Teleke and Prize of Elite. Regarding broodmares, Desse is dam of 6, including 3458 Digora 8

             (1157 Garabek), 3410 Dadel (1143 Ashug), 3467 Dipol (1270 Posalak), 3460 Dida (1143 Ashug), 3450 Djipri (1633 Pergenbek)

             and her full sister Destegiul. Desse was sold in 2009 to Italy (Medeus Studfarm), when Veles studfarm was closed.

                    **** 3458 Digora (1157 Garabek), palomino, was born in 1999 at the studfarm Veles. She didn´t race and was sold in 2003 to 

                              private Russian owner. She is dam of the only foal, buckskin filly Djabagly-Djan (1427 Gaspar), born in 2010.

                    **** 3410 Dadel (1143 Ashug), bay, was born in 2002 at the studfarm Veles. She raced as a 2 y.o. 5 times, without being

                             placed. She is dam of 5 foals, including 3418 Dargesh (1424 Garson), who was sold to China in 2014. Dadel herself

                             was sold to Italy in 2009.

                    **** 3467 Dipol (1270 Posalak), bay, was born in 2003 at the studfarm Veles. She races as 2-3 y.o., out of 5 starts she

                             placed 1x2., 1x3., 4th place she acquired in Prize of Pazilla. Dipol is dam of the only foal, she died in 2009.

                    **** 3460 Dida (1143 Ashug), black, was born in 2004 at the studfarm Veles. She didn´t race, in 2006 she placed 5th 

                             at the World champion in the category of 2 y.o. fillies. She was sold to private Russian owner. She is dam of the only

                             registered foal.

                    **** 3450 Djipri (1633 Pergenbek), palomino, was born in 2007 at the studfarm Veles and sold to Alania studfarm in 

                             Slovakia. She is dam of two registered foals, including Daldaria (1500 Duigur), sold to China. Djipri herself found

                             new home in 2017 in Thailand.

                   **** Destegiul (1633 Pergenbek), buckskin, was born in 2009 at the studfarm Veles and sold to private Russian owner.

                            At the moment she has one foal on the ground.

          ** 2721 Dilshat (943 Arslan), chestnut, was born in 1989 at the studfarm Stavropol. She raced as a 2y.o. 4x (1x1., 1x2.) and was

          sold to Mr. V.A. Potokin. She is dam of two registered foals, including broodmare 2709 Dessa (1099 Serasker).

              *** 2709 Dessa (1099 Serasker), dark chestnut, was bred by Mr. Potokin in 1995 and later sold to Veles studfarm. She is dam 

              of 7 registered foals, including broodmares 3443 Djanga (1157 Garabek) and 3428 Dayana (1143 Ashug).

          ** 3388 Gulchetai (1099 Serasker), dark bay, was born in 1993 at the studfarm Dagestanskii. She raced as a 3 y.o. once and

          placed  3rd in Prize of Gul. Her breeding career started in 1997 at KSK Djigit, where she foaled 5 foals and was sold to Netherlands,

          to C. De Vos van Steenwijk. Here she became dam of 6 foals, including 100-miler Gyshgun (1420 Gargantua)  and another 

          talented endurance horse Meshhur (1560 Mansur) and broodmare 3376 Guldjady (1330 Aksakal).

      * 2250 Damdja (870 Garem 11), bay, was born in 1983 at the studfarm Dagestanskii. She didn´t race and started her breeding 

         career at the age of 3. She was one of foundation mares of  TOO Akhalekspo, later renamed as Shael (Studfarm of V. P.                                 Schamborant). Damdja is dam of 13 foals, including breeding stallions 1194 Doremir (985 Dagestan), who acquired Diploma 

         of I. degree at the breeding show in Piatigorsk in 1993 and later was sold to France, 1185 Djasman (1115 Yasman), who strongly

         contributed to formation of maternal herd of Shael studfarm and later was sold to Czech Republic, 1501 Durkhal Shael (1079

         Melesur), who won 248 km long 3 day endurance competition in U.S., 1700 Sulak Shael (1278 Sere 2.), who was sold to Italy and

         1461 Gumbet Shael (1166 Gayaz), 6th placed in the category of 2 y.o. at the World championship in 2003 and winner of category

         of older stallions at the championship Teke Mania in Luxembourg in 2009. Except 5 sires, Damdja is the dam of 4 broodmares, 

         including 2632 Gandja (1037 Gaisan), 2703 Dargansara (1095 Polot), 3432 Demirkhanum (1301 Yakor) and 3992 Ummai Shael

         (1166 Gayaz).  

         ** 2632 Gandja (1038 Gaisan), black, was born in 1992 at TOO Akhaltekspo. She was mare of remarkable type, in 1991 she 

         acquired Diploma of II. degree at the World championship in Moscow. She is dam of 5 foals, including World Reserve 

         champion Birinch Shael (1166 Gayaz). Her daughter Nadiyat Shael (1160 Garant), sold to U.S.,  has one registered foal on the 


         ** 2703 Dargansara (1095 Polot), bay, was born in 1993 at TOO Akhaltekspo. She is dam of 9 foals, including breeding stallions

          1173 Khair (1280 Singapur), World Junior Reserve champion 1999, 1505 Elsai (1079 Melesur), 4th placed in junior category

          at the World championship 2000 and 1691 Sephard Shael (1597 Murgab), sold to US. Another son of Dargansara, Degni Shael,

          (1160 Garant) is performed by Anja Beran in classical dressage. All four daughters of Dargansara are used in breeding: 

          3893 Rursi Shael (1079 Melesur), 3412 Daina Shael (1278 Sere 2.), 4063 Sharida Shael (1166 Gayaz) and Dassi Shael (1676 


             *** 3893 Rursi Shael (1079 Melesur), black, was born in 1999 at the studfarm Shael. In 2001 she placed 3rd in the category

             of 2 y.o. fillies at the World championship. She is dam of 12 foals, including broodmares 4028 Khamis Shael (1335 Alvan),

             3624 Madar Shael (1636 Pekhimdar), Ruti Shael (1676 Saivan) and Roya Shael. Rursi was sold in 2016 to Uzbekistan, to 

             Mr. Mirkhodjaev, where she foaled three champions of Pearl of the East championship - Kudrat Sher (Kaitag Shael), 

             Gissar Sher (1435 Gench) and super typey filly Tumaris Sher (1524 Karaoglan).    

                   **** 4028 Khamis Shael (1335 Alvan), buckskin, was born in 2006 at the studfarm Shael. She has 4 foals on the ground

                   at the moment, including broodmares Darsi Shael (1676 Saivan) and Khamishi Shael (1554 Makka Shael). 

                   **** 3624 Madar Shael (1636 Pekhimdar), grey, was born in 2007 at the studfarm Akhalt-Service. She is dam of two 

                   registered foals, including Maruf Shael (1160 Garant).

                   **** Ruti Shael (1676 Saivan), black, was born in 2010 at the studfarm Shael, in 2015 she was sold to Dacor studfarm

                   in Kazakhstan. Unfortunately her breeding career is not succesful, no alive foal was born.  

                   **** Roya Shael (1389 Bazha Shael), bay, was born in 2012 at the studfarm Shael. She  has two fillies on the ground.

               *** 3412 Daina Shael (1278 Sere 2.), bay, was born in 2000 at the studfarm Shael and later sold to private Russian breeders.

               She has 7 foals on the ground at the moment. including broodmares Deilia (1316 Aidogar) and Djessika (1541 Kutlug).

               *** 4063 Sharida Shael (1166 Gayaz)grey, was born in 2001 at the studfarm Shael. As a 2 y.o. she placed 8th at the World

               championship. She is dam of 11 foals - 9 of them colts, including talented dressage horse Shumer Shael (1761 Yaz Yar), 

               Shemesh Shael (Gaon Shael), who is currently in the training of Olympic dressage rider I. Merkulova, Omid Shael (1617

               Oyun Shael) in the training of V. Andruchovich, breeding stallion  and Russian Reserve Junior champion Alisher Shael 

               (1335 Alvan)  and broodmares 3676 Maskhara Shael (1636 Pekhimdar) and young Shakhada Shael (1335 Alvan).

                      **** 3676 Maskhara Shael (1636 Pekhimdar), grey, was born in 2007 at the studfarm Shael. She is dam of five foals,

                      including breeding stallions and great movers Adair Shael (1335 Alvan) and Gazam Shael (Gaon Shael) and two 

                      broodmares - Lilah Shael (1676 Saivan) and Shagum (Gaon Shael). 

                *** Dassi Shael (1676 Saivan)bay, was born in 2011 at the studfarm Shael. She has 4 foals on the ground at the moment.

          ** 3432 Demirkhanum (1301 Yakor), bay, was born in 1995 at TOO Akhaltekspo. She won championship of young horses

          of Moscow area in showjumping with V. Andruchovich. She died soon (in 2007), left three foals, including broodmares

          3973 Tasikuli Shael (1525 Karar) and 3172 Arabli Shael (1192 Dorkush). 

                *** 3973 Tas´ikuli Shael (1525 Karar), bay, was born in 2003 at the studfarm Shael. She raced as a 2 y.o. 4 times, without

                being placed. She is dam of two broodmares, 4026 Khalisat Shael (1160 Garant), who was sold to Kazakhstan and Ezize

                Shael (1744 Shaar Shael), who left three sons at home stud and sold to private breeder. Tas´ikuli herself was sold to China

                in 2008.

                *** 3172 Arabli Shael (1192 Dorkush)bay, was born in 2004 at the studfarm Shael. She raced as a 2 y.o. 5 times, once

                placed 3rd (Prize of Everdy Teleke). In 2008 she was sold to Czech Republic. She participated in endurance competitions

                up to 60km level. She is dam of 6 foals at the moment, 3 of them registered.

           ** 3992 Ummai Shael (1166 Gayaz), buckskin, last daughter of Damdja, was born in 2002 at the studfarm Shael and sold to Naib             Idris studfarm. She raced as a 2-3 y.o., out of 8 starts she won 1x., 1x finished 2nd and once 3rd. As a 3 y.o. she placed 8th

           in her category at Russian championship. She is dam of 4 foals, including Champion of Russia Umgen (sold to China) and

           broodmare 3991 Umma (1347 Amuzgi), who was sold to Hungary.

     * 2724 Dogadka  (949 Dornazarbek), bay, was born in 1987 at the studfarm Stavropol. She raced three times as a 2 y.o. and once 

        placed 3rd. She was sold to TOO Ptichii Rynok (later Akhalt-Service) and became the dam of 13 foals, including 8 broodmares:

        2719 Diadema (1076 Melekush), 2713 Djamna (1076 Melekush), 2699 Dagmara (1076 Melekush), 2698 Davenda (1195 Ekemen), 

        3477 Dorkeik (1069 Kortik), 3454 Djuletta (1122 Aksum), 3435 Derzost (1509 Zakhmet) and 3415 Danaida (1349 Angar 2.). 

        Dogadka´s son Damgan (1076 Melekush) competed in dressage up to M-level, Dagjeir (1195 Ekemen), sold to U.S. competed

        in eventing on the basic level, his full brother Devonshir was sold to Tatarstan and was used in breeding.

            ** 2719 Diadema (1076 Melekush), chestnut, was born in 1992 at TOO Ptichii Rynok. She is dam of two broodmares - 2715

            Djelfa (1195 Ekemen) and 3434 Derek (1069 Kortik), dam of  3rd placed in Prize of Pazilla Darika Kalla and one breeding                         stallion, 1489 Diktator (1069 Kortik), sold to Belgium.

            ** 2713 Djamna (1076 Melekush), bay, was born in 1993 at TOO Ptichii Rynok. She is dam of 4 foals, including licensed

            stallion, sold to Great Britain, 1493 Dominik (1575 Melezor), 8th placed at the World championship Djamal (1228 Maksut 2)

            and broodmare 3478 Drama (1227 Makat), dam of Darbek, succesful at the racetrack and Champion of stallions at CBC 2016.

            ** 2699 Dagmara (1076 Melekush), chestnut, was born in 1995 at TOO Ptichii Rynok, she has only one foal on the ground.

            ** 2698 Davenda (1195 Ekemen), smoky black, was born in 1996 at TOO Ptichii Rynok. She is dam of 13 foals in total, first

            three of them born at the home studfarm, including 3rd and 5th placed at the World championship, breeding stallion 1527

            Karakhan (1228 Maksut 2) and breeding stallion 1473 Damask (1122 Aksum), sold to Czech Republic. Davenda was then sold

            to Czech Republic, to our farm and became excellent mother of 10 more foals, including European Junior champion 3513

            Jana-Jan (1584 Mingam), 2nd placed in her category and Selection Hope of CBC Dijanitra ATT (1437 Germes), multiple winner                  of 80 km endurance competitions Darakhshan (1462 Gumon), breeding stallion and endurance proven Galadaw (1437 Germes),

            2nd placed in her category at CBC Djik-Djiki ATT (1685 Samurai), 3rd best yearling in Europe 2015 Delbar ATT (1685 Samurai)

            and broodmares 3440 Djady-Djan (1685 Samurai) and Djeren-Djan (1584 Mingam).

                  *** 3513 Jana-Jan (1584 Mingam), bay, was born in 2006 at Achalteke Tukleky Farm. She won the title of European Junior

                  champion in 2008 in Gut Ising. She is dam of 7 foals at the moment, including Jangi (1685 Samurai), European Junior

                  champion 2012, Shergir (1685 Samurai) and Absolute champion of Europe 2017. 

                         **** Jangi (1685 Samurai), black,  was born in 2010 at Achalteke Tukleky Farm. As a two years old she acquired the title

                         of European Junior champion. She is dam of 3 foals at the moment, full siblings by Darbek, all athletic and great movers.

                *** 3440 Djady-Djan (1685 Samurai), black, was born in 2007 at Achalteke Tukleky Farm and was sold to Switzerland in 

                2010. She participated in endurance competitions, she is dam of one foal.

                *** Djeren-Djan (1584 Mingam), buckskin, was born in 2008 at Achalteke Tukleky Farm. She passed endurance training and

                showed also good jumping skills. She was sold to Austria in 2015, she has two foals on the ground.

                *** Darakhshan (1462 Gumon), buckskin, was born in 2010 at Achalteke Tukleky Farm. She was sold as a yearling to 

                Germany. She is versatile athlete, multiple winner of endurance competitions at 80km distance, including Best condition prizes,

                 but also participates in eventing, jumping and dressage competitions. She has one foal on the ground.

                *** Dijanitra ATT (1437 Germes), bay, was born in 2011 at Achalteke Tukleky Farm. As a yearling she placed 2nd in her 

                category at European Distant championship, in 2016 she placed 2nd and got title of Selection Hope at CBC championship.

                She is dam of one foal.

            ** 3477 Dorkeik (1069 Kortik), bay, was born in 2000 at the studfarm Akhalt-Serivce. She was sold in 2004 to Czech Republic.

            She is dam of 7 foals, including breeding stallion Derkar (1479 Dahylly), 2nd placed in his category at CBC championship and

            sold to China and broodmares Dogulmak (1473 Damask), sold to Austria and Derya (1473 Damask).

                 *** Dogulmak (1473 Damask), dark bay, was born in 2007 at Farma Dorkeik and was sold in 2012 to Austria. She has one foal

                 on the ground.

                 *** Derya (1473 Damask), bay, was born in 2009 at Farma Dorkeik. She died in 2020, left two foals, including broodmare

                 Ghuryak (1445 Gobi Gush).

           ** 3454 Djuletta (1122 Aksum), black, was born in 2002 at the studfarm Akhalt-Service, in 2006 she was sold to Germany. 

           She participated in endurance up to 80km, she is dam of one foal.

           ** 3435 Derzost (1509 Zakhmet), dark chestnut, was born in 2004 at the studfarm Akhalt-Service. As a yearling she placed

           2nd at the World championship. She has one foal on the ground.

           ** 3415 Danaida (1349 Angar 2.), black, was born in 2006 at the studfarm Akhalt-Service. She was sold in 2008 to Alania

           Studfarm in Slovakia and later, in 2015, to China. She has three foals on the ground.

1590 Lolla (697 Gelishikli) buckskin, was born in 1968 at the studfarm Tersk. She raced as  a 2 y.o. 5 times (1x1., including Autumn Prize, 1x2., 2x3., including Probnyi Prize and Prize of the river Araks). She is dam of 6 foals, including breeding stallion 1542 Lakmus (860 Ararat), winner of Prize of Budyonny, 2nd placed in Derby, Sprint Prize and and Kalinin Prize, who also achieved IM level in dressage. Lolla is also dam of broodmares 1991 Lada (860 Ararat), 2200 Gloria 5 (944 Gaukhar) and 2491 Khalceda (971 Khalif).

     * 1991 Lada (860 Ararat), buckskin, was born in 1979 at the studfarm Tersk. She raced as a 2-3 y.o. 10 times (3x1., 4x2., 1x3.), she

     won Derby, 2nd finished in Big Prize of 2 y.o. fillies, third in Prize of Kalinin. She was sold to Lugovskoi studfarm in Kazakhstan,

     where she became dam of 10 foals, including breeding stallions 1105 Khelvar (971 Khalif), 1028 Amelit (939 Adat), succesful 

     dressage horse Grum (1039 Galkan) and broodmares 2975 Khvala (1106 Khutor) and Sogda (1281 Sozdik), dam of the only partbred


          ** 2975 Khvala (1106 Khutor), palomino, was born in 1988 at Lugovskoi studfarm and sold to Akhalt-Yurt in Turkmenistan. She

          She is dam of 4 foals, including broodmare 4056 Khiundji (1153 Galkan).

               *** 4056 Khiundji (1153 Galkan), chestnut, was born in 1995 at Akhalt-Yurt in Turkmenistan. She raced as a 2-3 y.o., out of 

               9 starts she finished 2x2., 3x3. She was sold in 2005 to Dacor Studfarm in Kazakhstan. Khiundji is dam of 6 foals, including

               broodmares 4052 Khodjet (1159 Garadashayak) and 4042 Khenessi-Dacor (1682 Salyr).

                     **** 4052 Khodjet, bay, was born in 2004 in Turkmenistan. In 2008 she was sold to Uzbegim studfarm in Uzbekistan.

                     Khodjet is the dam of three foals, including broodmares Khalima-Khon (1326 Akdagly) and Khodjia-Khon (1678 Sailanar).

                     **** 4042 Khenessi-Dacor (1682 Salyr), bay, was born at Dacor studfarm in Kazakhstan. She has one foal on the ground.

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